The procedure oriented approach allows the user to develop their logic by applying a number of functions that would enable program productivity.
In procedure oriented programming system, many instruction are written to carry out any task.
Theses information is group together to form function. We focus more on function rather than data.
You can clearly understand the concept by below flow diagram.
They keep floating throughout the program. In order to manke any change in the function you may need to reschedule the associat data value.
This may affect the normal sequence of the programming logic-
Characteristics of procedure oriented programming.
• Emphasis is more on function rather than data.
• Function share global data.
• Data value can keep floating from one function to another.
• It uses top down approach of programming.
Why there is need for object oriented programming-
1) As data value are globally to all function on procedure oriented programming, so if you want in make change in any data value you may need to make necessary changes in all the function.
2) It is not suitable to solve complex problem in real situation.
Introduction to object oriented programming-
Object oriented approach is to standardize the program by creating partitioned memory data for both data and function.
It has been developed to improve program productivity and also to overcome the traditional approach of programming.
In contrast to these, object oriented programming does not allow data to flow freely from function to function and procedure to procedur.
In this system, the complete problem is decomposed into a number of entities called object.
These objects are created and maintained along with a set of related data.
The data are created in such a way that they cannot be chaned or edite from other functios or objects.
The data of an object can be accessed through functions associated with that object.
However, function of an object. can access the function of the other object. You can understand more from give below diagram.
Features of object oriented programming-
• It makes complete problem/program easier by dividing it to number of objects.
• The object can be used as bridge to have data flow from function to function.
• You can easily modify the data without changing function.
Basic elements of object oriented programming-
• Object
• Data abstraction
• Polymorphism
• Inheritance
• Dynamic binding
• Encapsulation
• Data hiding
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